
It's almost my birthday (month)!!

I love my birthday! I look forward to it every year, and get excited about the month of September and everything it brings. September means fall is just around the corner, and I can look forward to brisk walks with my camera and leaves changing colors and crunching under my feet. September is amazing. My birthday is smack in the middle of September (the 18th to be exact) and I love it! I love telling everyone it's my birthday and feeling special. I love spending time with my family and friends and reflecting on the past year and looking forward to the next.
I'm trying to decide what gift I want to give myself this year. Last year I bought a reflector for my photography which I use all the time and LOVE! This year I'm thinking I will buy either a new lens for my camera or a new portable hard drive. Hmmmm... oh the choices!

Eeek... I can't wait!


  1. September is exciting huh? I loooooove it too! Birthday months are the very best. Enjoy every minute of it!! Mine is on the 3rd to be exact :)
