
Thinking On My Feet...

I'm so excited right now and can barely contain it!! I have been struggling with figuring out how to get off of my current lease and have myself legally free of any implications. My current roommate said that she was willing to take over the lease and all payments, but I wanted to make sure that I was free and clear of any responsibility before I sign my new lease. Well, the landlords just came over to give my roommate the new lease. They had the old one with them that stated that I and my roommate were responsible until July 31st of this year. I asked them to write a note on it that stated, "Macey Snelson moved out of the apartment on April 1st 2009 and is no longer responsible for this lease as of today: March 29th 2009". And they both signed and dated the note along with me! Now if anything happens, it shows that I am not responsible for anything having to do with the lease from this day forward.

I can now be excited about moving!!!!!


  1. Congrats! I bet that does feel good!! Did they have your roommate write a statement that she is agreeable to taking over the lease?

  2. nope, the just left a blank lease for her to sign. She already agreed to it. Hopefully she follows through though.

  3. Yay! Way to cover your bases! Did anything ever get figured out with the dog? :(

  4. Not yet Janelle, I'm still working on that one :(
