
Personal Victory!

Yesterday was the 8th or 9th time in my lifetime that I have {attempted} a spinning class. I can usually make it to the end and be fine; however... you see, there is this section of every class called "jumps." And by "jumps" they mean hell on wheels. For a few minutes (I tend to black out, so I've never kept track of just how many minutes it is) the instructor has the class spin while standing up for 8 counts and then sit for an 8 count, over and over and over again. Just when you think you are going to die, she switches it up to a 4 count and you do this over and over again until you are certain you will fall off the bike, and then you go back to the 8 count. By the end of the "jump" series you are ready to walk out -on very jiggly legs- and never return...

Ok, so confession time. Until yesterday I'd never actually completed an entire "jump" sequence. I would usually extend the 4 count series to an 8, or even just stay seated. (I know, I know, I'm a cheater, I'm sorry.) But yesterday I went into the spinning class telling myself that I was going to give it my all.... and I did! I did every single jump, right on beat! Personal Victory - woo hoo! :)

1 comment:

  1. You're awesome!!! Keep up the good work. It feels good to push yourself every once in a while.
