
30 Day Photo Challenge - Day 2

Day 02 - A picture of you and the person you have been closest with the longest 

My cousin Jill was born just 9 months after me.  We both have one older and one younger brother and lived just a few miles away from each other until we were 12-ish (can't remember exactly).  We were all raised as brothers and sisters and while I love her brothers dearly, it's Jill that I've always been closest with.  We have a sisterly bond that stands the test of time and distance.  While we may not talk everyday, she is one of the first people I turn to when I need to talk or figure something out, and she's always there for me. 
Love you Jill!

This picture was taken in 2009 just a few months after Jill and Blake were married.  I was visiting them at their home in the Tri Cities and Jill and I decided to take some bridal photos in the surrounding areas.  After crawling through dirt in the vineyards and taking a dip in the Columbia River (yes all while in her wedding dress!) we were making latte's back in their apartment and snapped this photo.
You can see images from our shoot here and here.

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